The Phone Almanac
A quick, easy to access guide for smartphone usage
The Overall Problem
A lot of the older generation, especially senior citizens, experience a lot of difficulty when utilizing newer smartphones. Compared to older cell phones, newer generation cellular devices have a longer adjustment period due to how obscure the functionalities are at face value. Since many senior citizens lack the experience with newer technology, they can have trouble performing simple tasks such as texting or downloading certain applications.
As time goes on, older people are becoming more intimidated by the idea of learning past the basic functions of a smartphone. This process limits their access to information that could potentially improve their lives drastically. The Phone Almanac is made to eliminate the small headaches when utilizing a smartphone, while teaching the older generation how to become more comfortable when learning harder concepts.
The Solution
The Phone Almanac is an application that will assist users with their smartphone devices. The user will be able to look up information with a few single taps on their screen, prompting several pages with sections that correspond to a certain issue. This application focuses on teaching the user how to utilize the general functionalities of both the smartphone and popular applications.
Design Features
Categories Page
The user is able to either search manually or select different sections relating to a certain issue.
Tutorial Page
Sections containing tutorials about how to utilize specific functions or applications.
A video with several descriptions that teaches the user about a specific topic.
Visual Media Page
Video Prototype
Design Process
Phase 1 (Research): Report and Presentation
Phase 2 (Prototyping): Report and Presentation